Monday, 18 August 2014

What to do if you can’t get married and you don’t want to run?

Greetings and felicitations

Today's blog is a collaboration between myself and a lovely young lady that I had the pleasure of meeting at college. The majority of this blog has been directed by her – and hopefully this can inspire people who may feel sometimes that they aren't on the same road as everyone else. Then again, no road is the wrong road, as they all lead to somewhere!
Without further ado, I shall pass the blogular shaped baton...

I read an article recently that made a joke about how people around their mid twenties will be barraged with statuses about marriage / reproduction; or running (marathons and the like).

One update will be an image of a lady beaming from ear to ear and dressed in a delightful white dress with all of her family around her, and the next will be of someone post-run with a sweaty picture of them; totally making me feel like I would actually keel over if I exerted that much energy in one go. I tried running once. Once was enough to know I can't do it.

As I was carting my sister off to her latest running event, the wonderful Color Run; I wondered to myself, what else is there to do but run Forrest Gump Style? Is this the only alternative to marriage and babies post university years? 

We've put our heads together and come up with some ideas for you.

Learn a new skill

Now, this doesn't need to be knitting or crocheting (seems to have become more popular amongst my nest building friends) but it can be; I for one would love to be able to create something that I could hang on the wall, for example; and when people come over be all gloating and say to myself, 'Yeah that's right... I made that!' 

If you can’t think of a skill to go for, try a few and see what works for you. I've noticed a few people have a go at playing an instrument, they might join a choir, or even start fishing but I’m not sure these are the new skills that I would have in mind for myself!


I’m aware that not everyone will have the money to do an around the world tour but even little journeys to places you wished to visit in the UK can suffice. Although I have not yet been brave enough to do it, travel doesn't necessarily require a companion either.

I have a few friends that have scoured the Earth for new experiences, going to places that most people can only dream of – and living there for months, sometimes years on end! I'd love to travel through the Far East, Australia, try to explore America and I would especially like to go to China to see the panda bears! I also think it is good to see cultures that are different from your own, to see how what you may find important may in fact be negligible in another person's eyes.

With travelling too, you can learn new languages – which I think is wonderful. There are things that you can say in another language that there is no equivalent in our own. You can find a few examples here 

Hiking / Walking

Much more up my street and it can be a nice temporary escape from your troubles. The latest buzz word I’ve come across is ‘mindfulness’ and being present in the moment, and what better place to be mindful than in nature (possibly even armed with a camera)? As an added bonus, you can feel less guilty about having a treat later on in the day.

If you think a walk around the Lickey Hills isn't too much of a challenge for you, you could even put yourself through some hardcore training and climb a big huge hill; Mount Everest, for example. It may seem like something that people could only dream about – but as a guy I went to college wrote in my Leaver's Book, 'Only those with dreams, have the chance to catch them.'

Collect and Build on Memories

Another thing I have noticed, is that all of a sudden old school toys and collectibles like Lego, Marvel comics and the cuteness that is My Little Pony, are back in 'vogue' for our age group (20 somethings). I guess this is just an extension to the more 'mature' hobbies like coin collecting and model building, with the added sense of nostalgia.

Quite a few people I know also have a stock of video games and consoles (myself included), from Sega Mega Drives to Nintendo 64s. They are always fun to play on with friends that you grew up playing them with!

Try a new experience

I don’t recommend drugs, etc (those of you who know who know me will know why that is) but maybe have a go at scuba diving or monster trucking? I can personally recommend the latter! 

Do something that takes you out of your comfort zone, like bungee jumping or singing karaoke! The more you broaden the places you've been and things that you're interested in doing, the more likely you are to find like minded people to share your life with!

But most of all...

"Things turn out best for people who make the best out of the way things turn out." - Unknown

#100HappyDays - Pictures Galore.

Greetings and felicitations,

You are probably aware of his #100HappyDays trend, which helps people document one happy thing that has happened every day for 100 consecutive days. I didn't read the full rules and didn't realise you are supposed to add a picture with EVERY post, but I was more than halfway through and I didn't want to start again!

Anyway, I thought I would share some of the different things that I did with my #100HappyDays...

I'd like to point out that Twitter NEEDS A FRICKIN' EDIT FUNCTION!

Now, I know that the more eagle eyed among you will have noticed that not ALL of them are here. That is because I was going through a tough time and sometimes the happiest moments of the day were not that interesting at all!

Thank you for reading (I know it is a long slog) and I hope you enjoyed reading some of the things that made me happy!

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." - Marcel Proust

Sunday, 10 August 2014

...By Pain of Death

Greetings and felicitations

I'm not going to lie, this blog is going to be a bit morbid. if you're in a really great mood, please switch over now and reconvene later as I don't want to spoil anyone's day.

I'm relatively young in the grand scheme of things (I'm 26) and I have already suffered the pain of losing a parent, grandparents (although I still have my grandmother on my paternal side and she is still going at the ripe old age of 91), parents of friends, a cousin, a sibling and most recently, a dear friend.

I'm quite an emotional person, and I find it really hard to lose someone, I have cried and prayed for all of the aforementioned people, and I think it is all for the same reason. They are no longer here to marvel at the world and what it has to offer. They live on in our memories, but now they are the past.

They won't hear any new music, they can no longer gain more knowledge, they won't feel a warm embrace of someone they love, some of them won't get married and have children, some won't see their children grow up, get married and have children of their own. Some won't travel to any new places, make any more of their dreams come true or simply be able to hang out with friends and create memories.

Speaking of memories, I am so glad that I created great memories with all of the people I have lost, and I think if I died tomorrow that the people I know and love would be able to recount some great and heart warming stories, and for this I am grateful.

Recently I have been trying to find what I believe in faith-wise. I relate to Christianity and I believe more than I don't, that there is a God, and I know people come up with the 'If there is a God why do these people leave in the first place?' and I can't answer that. But if being with God means that they won't be suffering any more then I am happy with that. Many of the people I have lost were really ill or in a lot of pain in their last few months and it is not fair to want to keep someone on Earth who is suffering so much. This blog however is not being written to centre on religion, that is a blog for another day.

I think what I am trying to say in a succinct kind of manner is: make good memories. Make time for people, tell them how you feel about them - and never leave on a bad word. If either one of you didn't wake up tomorrow, whoever is still on this mortal coil will only remember and regret that last argument; and not be able to enjoy the plethora of good times that you shared. Love each other as much as you can, and try to help each other out. 

To all of those people that we have lost, near or far, no matter what relation they were to us, may they rest in peace; with no pain, no suffering and may they be forever in our hearts.

This blog is dedicated to my friend who passed away in his mother's arms after a long battle with Cystic Fibrosis.

Daniel (Peg) O'Connor 16/12/1987 - 09/08/2014 Gone but not forgotten.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Why I Don't Want to be Fat

Greetings and felicitations

Now, I think that the title of this post kind of explains what it is going to be about.

I am fat. There, I said it. However, I used to be even more fat, like 2st fatter. I lost 5st and looked rather lovely in my opinion. I weighed 195lbs (around 14st) and I was the slimmest I'd ever been. So now you can use your mathematical brains to work out how big I was at my largest!

Then things happened in my life, I lost important people and I got mentally and very physically ill. I've had an operation to correct the physical illness, which I am very grateful for - but unfortunately it means I eat a lot more of a variety of things now! I gained 3 of the stone I had lost and now I'm feeling very glum about the whole situation. I can almost hear you tutting and saying that these are just excuses. They are, so this blog is going to be dedicated to why I CAN and WANT to lose weight.

1. Health

I think we all know deep down that we need to put good things into our body to hopefully stay as healthy and alive as possible. Eating healthily helps with depression, mood problems, digestive problems and gives you the feel good factor. Now, I have suffered with back problems, only a bulging disc, but it hurts enough for me to notice it. Funnily enough, this problem appeared when I lost the weight the first time; the nice physio lady said that it was because my poor body had been lumbering around with so much weight for such a long time, that now it was lighter it didn't know how to carry itself. So with strength training (mainly the awesome exercise that is Zumba) I managed to combat this problem. But that pain is slowly creeping back and I don't want it! I have suffered really badly with IBS since forever (I won't go into too much detail about it), but I need to make sure that I have a diet full of fibre to help me combat the pain that comes along with that too. And although one hopes, KFC and cake just doesn't have the right amount of fibre to combat my problem! There are the obvious risks too of heart failure and diabetes; luckily I haven't quite got to that stage, but obviously the more weight I pile on, the more likely I am to succumb. I want to be happy and healthy.

2. Children

I am of child bearing age, and I must admit the thought of having children is now crossing my mind. Do I really want to be the overweight and out of puff mommy that can't run around and act like a complete fool with her children? Uhhh, no. I want to be the kind of mother that will fill herself and her growing child full of food that it full of nutrients and things that will help them to become strong and healthy. I also want to give my children the best start in life by feeding them delicious home cooked meals that I have prepared and I know contains nothing but wholesome ingredients. Plus, every mom wants to win the three legged race at the school sports day, I'm just preparing myself!

3. Vanity

Yes, I went there. Now I'm not going to lie - I feel very unattractive. I have a loving family and super awesome friends that just look at me as someone that they love, and I know that my fiancĂ© would adore me even if I looked a troll due to my simply raucous personality. But here's the important thing. I really don't love myself. Lately I have done a small experiment to see if I would feel better by making the effort to do my hair and makeup in the morning before leaving the house. Whether I'm going to work, or going to the shops. And yes, I must admit I feel a lot prettier but then I catch a glimpse of my reflection in a mirror or a door and I am horrified. I feel like the wind has been punched out of me. I may be pretty,  but I am not the sexy lady that I have never been, but have always wanted to be. Seriously, I have NEVER been slim. But I would like to turn heads for a positive reason for once in my life! I feel like a gelatinous mess. I understand that an individual is sometimes harder on themselves than others would be, but I really feel disappointed in myself. How did I do this to myself... Again?! Lastly on the issue of vanity, I get married in exactly 402 days. I need to fit into my awesome wedding dress and look stunning.  Even just once. For half an hour. 

4. Everyday Things

If you have never been fat, you may not even believe that some of these things happen. And they do happen. They have happened to me, in fact. My legs rub together so much that they wear away the inside of my trousers. I have a funny story about that happening, but this is not the time, nor the place. I can't sit with my back flat against a chair. I have a ledge that goes around the top of my bum which prevents me from sitting flush in a chair. People shout, spit in my face as they pass, and follow me in the street saying awful things. I can't easily fit my legs under my steering wheel in my car. I can't fit in a bathtub without creating a huge dam. I've put on a shoe size. I have lost confidence in myself, and my anxiety levels (mentioned in a previous post) are sometimes off the scale. People can't put their arms around me properly when they hug me. I have to buy strange sized clothes to accommodate my large rump even though my chest in comparison is small, leaving a lot of my clothes baggy. My belly starts to cover my lap when I sit down. I have horrendous stretch marks. And these are just a few of the things that hinder my life. And I would like to get rid of them!

Right. I am feeling a lot better, I think I will have to keep these things in mind when I reach for that chocolate bar, or bake that massive cake and then eat it all. 

That's it! Stretch way beyond your perceived limitations. Go for yours like you own it already, because you truly do. - Serena Aleta Dailey 'The magnificent Weight Loss System'

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Anxiety. Who controls who?

Greetings and felicitations,

Today's blog is about something that is actually serious and could be involved in a discussion.

I have suffered for many years with a form of Social Anxiety, and sometimes it has become a large burden in my life; I'm hoping to open up to ye 'normal folk' and try to explain certain things that I do and why I do them / how they make me feel.

Where to start?

I have had certain... Issues ever since I was young; although when you're a kid and you don't want to join in, people think it's normal. When you're 26 and don't want to join in, you're seen as a spoilsport or just simply no fun.

I would like to say that I have some very good friends (they know who they are) and they just take in all of the weird quirks as a part of me, I feel like I can tell them anything and that makes me really happy as I don't feel like I have to be false around them. Thank you guys and girls! On the other hand there are people that know me that have no idea about some of the weird things that make my palms sweaty and my heart beat faster than normal, and not in a good way!

Ok, I'm trying to figure out the best way to blog about this without it all amalgamating in one wall of text or becoming incomprehensible. I think I might go for a list - which in no particular order will catalogue some (as I probably won't remember all) of the things that I do to cope with anxiety, or things that cause me to feel anxious in the first place.

1. Walking through doors

Now, you may possibly be thinking, 'What the heck does walking through a door have to do with anxiety?' Well, I think at some point in my life, I must have walked through a door into a place that I didn't know and was expecting the person I was with to follow me - to find that they had been distracted or for some reason were no longer behind me, rendering me alone, and with no idea where I was or where to go. I must have been young when this happened - because I would now know to look for signs etc to find out where I needed to go. but even now, if I am having a bad day (stress seems to 'activate' these behaviours) I won't even walk through a door first into a place I know - no matter who the person is I am with, I simply don't trust that they will follow behind me and I will once again be left stood alone.

2. Having the right change

You know when you get to the till at a supermarket; there is a massive queue to be served, and there is that woman with the Mary Poppins handbag; that waits until all of her groceries are packed before even ATTEMPTING to look for her purse amongst the sea of handbag-crap? Well, do you remember how infuriated that made you? How you wanted to just pay for the shopping yourself to get the queue moving faster? Well I don't ever want to be the Mary Poppins lady. Ever. Before the times of paying by card, or the self service machines; buying stuff was such a pain for me. As soon as I picked an item up, I would make sure that I had the right change or slightly more in my hand; so that if I needed to buy my haul quickly I could just hand over the cash quicker than Usain Bolt and get out of there. Not holding the queue up, and definitely not being hated by my fellow shoppers. The first and only time I did not exercise this rule - I was trying to 'kick the habit' so to speak - I got to the til with about £50 worth of shopping. You got it, I forgot my flipping purse altogether and didn't realise until all of the shopping had be rung through and packed. I wanted the ground to swallow me up.

3. Justification of actions

This weekend I realised that I have some sort of issue when it comes to realising people are just pulling my leg. For years my family and friends have said things to me after I've done / said something 'as a joke' and I've immediately got offended and taken defensive action. The thing is though, I can't really tell when people are joking and it really bugs me. I would like to think that I can be quite a witty person - and the aforementioned friends understand my quirky and sometimes morbid sense of humour. But sometimes people will say things that hurt my feelings, or I feel like I should be guilty and they add 'I was only joking!' I thought maybe they just weren't funny, but then I realised that a LOT of people were doing this and I thought it weird. I'm making the people I know sound awful but I really don't think that is the case. As I said before this weekend I realised that it is actually ME that has the problem. I can't remember what the context was, but my 8 year old nephew said something rather harmless and I answered him in a little bit of a hurt manner and he just said, 'Don't worry Auntie Pan, I was only joking.' That was the moment that I truly realised don't actually understand people and the nuances that come with day to day playful conversation. 

4. Sequences

I like things that go in order,  whether it be alphabetical order, size order,  or just plain old numerical order - I think it's because you can see if things are missing and you know where you are with your sequence. For example, I have been working in my current company for 6 years  and as the information we deal with can be sensitive, we have to change our passwords every six weeks. I have had the same sequence of numbers since the day I started until now - but recently I made an error when changing my password.  I didn't do it in sequence.  'It'll be fine!' I stupidly thought. I got a minute in and realised that I will forget my password purely because it didn't follow the sequence. It also pained me that I had already had this particular password. The palpitations started and the pain in my chest was increasing.  So I had to tell IT that I had forgotten my password so that they would reset it and I could restore the sequence. Yes, I did that. Yes it made me feel better. 

5. Touching metal

This one is a bit weird and not a lot of people know the true extent about it. In fact, I think only my fiancé really knows about this one. When I am having a really bad day stress / anxiety levels wise, I can't touch metal. The problem comes to a head when I need to open doors usually, as a lot of door handles are metal. I think the root of this particular behaviour comes from static shocks that I used to have allll the time as a kid. At my parents house we had a downstairs toilet, and the light switch was a lovely brassy kinda switch (no idea what the actual metal was) and I used to constantly get shocks from it. I can almost hear you say, 'I bet there was a wire short or some Shiz like that.' If that WAS the case, wouldn't everyone else who used the switch get a shock? Also, I get shocks from people, door handles, and cars. Regularly! And I'm the kind of person that gets stressed at the anticipation that I'm going to get a shock. So I will cover my hands with my coat / top before opening doors, only touch the windows when closing a car door and use paper to open doors etc when my sleeves aren't long enough. Like I said, it's a really strange one!

6. Sniffing crisps

Ok, I said the last one was weird, this one is probably seen as a little weirder... I only eat one flavour and brand of crisps. Walkers Ready Salted. (Lays if you're from anywhere else that isn't the UK.) and as I only ever eat one brand and flavour of crisps I can tell the difference in freshness, just by smelling them. I sh*t you not. This started when I was a kid, (I see a theme occurring here) and I remember the best packet of crisps I ever ate. I must have been about ten on a family trip to Drayton Manor Park in Tamworth, Staffordshire. My mom would always pack egg sandwiches, pork pies, scotch eggs and crisps. And I remember being sat next to the car on the grass with my family eating our picnic, and opening the pack to a waft that I really can't describe. But when I smell that particular smell (it doesn't happen very often) I'm taken straight back to that day all of those years ago. I try to only pick packs that have a lot of air in them, as they seem to be the ones that taste the best, the ones that have no air in them taste really stale and feel really hard and unappetising. This behaviour has even spread to a colleague at work now... And by the way, if I don't like the smell, I don't eat the crisps, I give them away untouched for someone else to eat.

7. Hanging out with friends

I love hanging out with my friends. I have grown up friends, chilled out friends, nutcase friends, gamer friends, hilarious friends and friends that just make me smile by playing pun games with me. But it's WHERE I hang out with my friends that causes me problems. If they come to my place, I feel safe, warm and it's my safe place. But I also understand that my friends can't always be expected to come to me as that's not fair. Go to a pub you say? Well I will agree to it, and even look forward to it, but then about ten minutes before I am due to leave I will get stupendously nervous and back out. But very persistent friends manage to talk me round! But yeah, meeting in a public place is really difficult for me - if I meet someone at their house or they come to mine first, I'm ok. But ask me to meet at a shopping centre or something and the anxiety sets in. I'm worried that what I'm wearing is not suitable (I'm overweight too which really doesn't help), that my friend won't turn up, that I'll bump into someone that i don't really know how to make conversation with, I worry that I will get lost or that people will jeer at me (which is a frequent occurrence, sadly). So, if you're a friend reading this and I've backed out of coming to hang out with you, I am so so sorry, but please don't stop inviting me, I will get there eventually!

I must admit I've been getting better at this of late, and I've been forcing myself to go to places - as you may have read in a previous blog, I made it from Birmingham to Tenby all on my own. This for me was a magnificent feat! 

So there you have it, some of the things which make my life a little bit more awkward, and make people look at me strangely... I will add more as and when they happen to me and I think, 'Oh yeah! That's one of those things normal people don't do!'

Anxiety is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you very far. - Jodi Picoult, Sing You Home